After successful cooperation with the best domestic and foreign brands, we have implemented a process, so that you can reach the finished product with the fastest, easiest and most reliable way. So far, dozens of reputable brands in the field of exclusive production have benefited from the advice of Jame Baft company experts to prepare a collection of knitted winter clothes and to produce all kinds of spring and summer fabric clothes.

You can entrust us with all the production steps, including advice on model selection, sampling, fabric selection and purchase, pattern making and cutting, sizing and arrangement with the latest methods, as well as sewing your products, and finally place your orders in Get the fastest time and the highest quality.

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شرکت جامه بافت در دوازدهمین نمایشگاه بین المللی پوشاک تهران در محل دائمی نمایشگاه‌ها واقع در چمران میزبان شما عزیزان می باشد.

زمان : 23 تا 26 مهر ماه 1403

ساعت 8 الی 15

سالن 8 و 9

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